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Headshot of Jessica Giblet

Jessica Giblet

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Hello MBI Families! 

My name is Jessica Giblet, and I am the Principal at Meadow Brook Intermediate School. I would like first to welcome you to Meadow Brook. I am so excited about this year and know it is going to be an incredible learning experience for your kids.  

Six years ago, I had the honor of opening Meadow Brook. It has been such a joy to weave Mustang’s core values into the foundation of this school! In Mustang and at Meadow Brook, attending to relationships, a laser focus on student success, clear and timely communication, and a collaborative culture are who we are.

Prior to arriving in Mustang, I graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and began my career teaching and coaching in Weatherford, OK. I firmly believe that we are called into the profession of education. These years in Weatherford were when that calling became clear to me, when I had my first classroom, and when I saw the impact a teacher could have on students. This is where my passion for helping kids grow and succeed became what I will do for the rest of my life. 

The future is very bright for all of the stakeholders of Meadow Brook Intermediate.  I am so proud of our faculty and staff and firmly believe they are second to none.  Alongside the Meadow Brook faculty and staff, I will work hard to continue the tradition of success and excellence in providing high-quality education that has been established by all of our schools and expected by Mustang families.  I believe positive relationships are critical, and I am dedicated to creating an atmosphere that is safe, positive, and full of learning opportunities for our students.

I am so excited to begin working with our families and community members.  If I can answer any of your questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Our office number is 405-256-5250.   

Great things are ahead for Meadow Brook, and remember…”At Meadow Brook, We have GRIT!”

-Mrs. Giblet

Assistant Principal

Headshot of Taylir Thompson

Taylir Thompson

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Welcome Meadow Brook Families!

I am Taylir Thompson, and I am your Assistant Principal at MBI. Let me start by saying that I am thrilled to have the honor of playing a part in your child’s educational journey. I work through the lens of always doing what is best for kids, and I promise to be a champion for your child every single day.

I was blessed to open Meadow Brook six years ago as a 5th grade ELA teacher and served students in that role for the first four years. I then moved into the Instructional Coach role last year, where I was able to serve MBI’s incredible teachers–they are second to none! Now as I am stepping into the AP position, I intend to continue operating from my core belief that education is a field of service by partnering with our families, students, teachers, and community to ensure the academic, emotional, social, and overall success and growth of every child who walks through our doors. 

I am going into my eleventh year of education and have truly loved every minute of my journey. I am passionate about literacy, encouraging lifelong learners, building relationships, and having fun while working hard! I am proud of what we have built at Meadow Brook and am looking forward to continuing our tradition of success and support. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I know this year is going to be amazing because “At Meadow Brook, we have GRIT!”

–Mrs. Thompson