About Us
Welcome to Meadow Brook Intermediate School! We are extremely excited to partner with you and your child for this school year. Upon receipt of this enrollment paperwork, your child will be enrolled in all four core classes (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) and multiple Life Application classes such as P.E., Music, Art, Spanish, Leadership, Communication, Technology, STEM, and enrichment classes which are an extension of the core subjects. Enrichment classes incorporate projects, hands-on opportunities, and authentic experiences to reinforce core content standards and skills.
Our primary goal is academic success; therefore, students identified as needing additional support in math and/or reading will be enrolled in a C.A.R.E. class in place of a Life App class. This class will provide additional time during the school day to address individual reading and/or math needs. The goal is to close any academic gaps students may have before they enter middle school.
Jessica Giblet, Principal
Meadow Brook Intermediate School
Important/Upcoming Dates
During Kindness Week at MBI is February 17-21. We will have dress up days for that week and be running a food drive. Please click link above for more details.
Meadow Brook's bookfair will be February 24th - 28th. We'll also be open on February 27th during parent teacher conferences. Click here to shop online or purchase gift cards!
Students will be receiving an opt-out form in the next two weeks. Please fill this out and return it if you do NOT wish for your students to attend the bookfair.
Click above to see the 2024-2025 School Calendar
Important Dates and Reminders for 2024-2025 school year
2024-2025 School Supply Lists are ready:
Click link to see what your child will need and you can order through Yubbler!
Meadow Brook School Supply List
Click above for more information on Yubbler!
MBI Hours
Doors open at 7:35 AM
Students report to the large gym upon arrival
School Begins: 8:10
School Ends: 3:05
Mailing Address
12400 SW 15th Street
Yukon, Ok 73099
Physical Location
12500 SW 15th St.
Yukon, OK 73099
Call In Your Child's Absences:
Phone: 405-256-5250
*Homework may be requested after a student has been absent for at least 3 consecutive days.